Cosy Cubs 24mnths+

Cosy Cubs is all about creating independent little humans who are ready for their next big adventure!

Cosy Cubs share their indoor and outdoor environment with Tall Tigers (school leavers), joining together for meal times.

Cosy Cubs are our tiniest big ones, they start their day inside. Here they explore a range of child led and adult led play supported by highly experienced and trained professionals. We know how best to support each child as an individual and can identify when they need scaffolding or challenge during play. We know when to interject a new idea or new language and how to extend prior knowledge.

All of our Snuglets are provided with a safe, fun and kind space where they can explore every area of our enabling environment with freedom and excitement. Being able to lead their own play allows each child to feel secure in their surroundings, ready to grab any learning opportunity by the horns.

Not only will The Snuglets be supported to practise skills and develop interests they already have but they will also have their thinking challenged with open questions and be supported with high-quality interactions through sustained shared thinking.

7.30am-8am - Rise and Shine Club

8am-9am - Breakfast Club

9am-4pm - Main Session

4pm-5pm - Supper Club

Daily Routine

Welcomes and Breakfast 7.30-9.00

Morning circle time 9.30

Snack time 10

Transition outdoors 10.30

Explore outdoors 10.30-11.45

Lunch time 12

Free play inside 12-1.30

Afternoon circle time 1.30

Snack time 2

Free play inside 2.30-3.30

Adult led/home time 3.30-4

Supper time 4

Small group time 4.30-5

Call or email today to book a show around!

01726 871052