Frequently Asked Questions

What does the daily routine look like?

Each rooms routine is posted on their page - click the links to learn more.

Do you cater for food allergies and intolerances?

All food allergies and intolerances are catered for, details of these can be discussed with practitioners, detailed on a child’s paperwork and food diaries can be kept if needed.

Where do I find your list of fees?

If you are keen for your child to join The Snug but would like to know how much it costs email for a price list.

Can my child attend The Snug term time only?

Yes, If you’d prefer your child to have the school holidays off, they can attend term time only.

Can my child attend in the school holidays?

Yes, The Snug have both term time only and all year round children and staff. You can choose during the enrolment process.

Can I add, reduce and swap sessions as needed?

If you need to add sessions and we have spaces available you can take them with no notice. If you wish to reduce sessions we do ask for a months notice. We cannot swap sessions but if you need extra and we have it, it’s yours!

Can my child receive funding, how do I go about this?

There is 2 and 3 year old funding for those eligible. To check eligibility go to this site and find out more about what you can claim! Funding starts the term after they turn 2 years old or 3 years old.

What do I need to pack?

Pack a water bottle, nappies, wipes, clean pants, dummies/comforters, plenty of spare clothes including spare socks, items needed for varying weathers such as coats, welly boots, suncream, hats all of which need to be labelled with names. It is always handy to supply a wet bag for clothes that have experienced messy play which we champion at The Snug!

How often do you go outside?

We love the outdoors and get outside as often as we can. Most of the time we venture out to the garden twice a day and sometimes take walks around the local village to visit the horses or collect some natural treasures.

Can my child nap whilst at nursery?

Yes, of course. There are three sleep/ rest spaces available at all times of the day as well as spaces to take a chill with a book. We follow the parents/carers lead on naps, supporting home life/routine.

How do I enrol my child at The Snug?

Give us a call or email to book a show around, we can chat about your childcare needs, meet some of the team and answer any questions you may have. Once availability has been established, we organise an enrolment meeting enabling you to meet a member of the team from the room your child is starting in. Here you can ask any further questions, begin building those important relationships and have another opportunity to visit the room. From here you will be offered two free settling sessions where your baby will get to know their new space without you, giving them the chance to form new, strong bonds. When the time comes for your child to transition to the next room you will be invited back in for a transition meeting with your child’s current key person and a practitioner from the new room. You will discuss your child’s learning development and what to expect in the next part of your child’s Snug adventure!

01726 871052